In case of prepayment we will sen you after incoming orders via email a confirmation of order with preaccount with all necessary data for the money-transfer.
The ordered articles remain 14 days aloof and are immediately dispatched after payment entrance. If after 14 days no payment entrance has occurred, is lifted in the interest of the remaining clientele the reservation and the order gets cancelled.
Cash on Delivery (only within germany)
= Cash payment to the delivery agent. Request hold ready the money for your order by the informed appointment in cash.
per Direct Debit (only within germany)
If you want to pay by SEPA-debit, we need your official permission.
The printed form:
Please send us the edited form (don´t forget signing!!!) by letter or by telefax (0 29 47 - 98 99 26).
As soon as the form arrived here, your SEPA-debit account will be activated.
If payment gets returned a charge of 10,00 € has to be payed.
Please create your account first, so that we can activate SEPA-debit.
If your account has been activated you will be informed by email. Before no SEPA-debit-payments will be possible!
If you ordered before by choosing another payment-method, we are unable to chance payment to SEPA-debit afterwards!!
Conditions on dispatch beyond the FRG see siehe §4 Terms and Conditions!